Sunday, December 18, 2016


We get the impression that information comes into our heads from outside of our physical senses. We don’t often consider that maybe information flows out of us also, and I don’t mean through speaking, writing, and body language.

Just like there is quantum entanglement of particles that affect each other no matter the distance between them, there appears to be mind entanglement whereby people that are very close to each other emotionally and spiritually can affect each other at great distances without knowingly being in contact. Twins who grow up apart, without knowing each other, marrying at similar times and giving the same names to their kids. Someone suddenly knowing that something is wrong with their close friend.  My father died of heart failure and that morning I had felt “a disturbance in the force”….a shift in perception that made me feel something was wrong and that I should see him. I looked at the clock.  Turns out his time of death was around then.

You think of someone and then the phone rings and they are on the other end.  You want to take the cat to the vet, and that cat that any other day would be freely available has gone into hiding.  A dog sits at the door waiting for Master to arrive, and it is noticed that they went to the door at the time the master had decided to go to the car to come home. Hunters and guides whose lives have been saved because they felt the hair on the back of their head bristle and they looked and saw a large predator staring at them. Or you are in a group and feel the same thing, and you turn and see someone staring at you.

There are schools of fish, flocks of birds and swarms of insects that travel very close to each other in perfect formation, all turning at the same time. Some have tried to explain it in as a function of each member noticing what the one next to it is doing, but the nervous systems which would take in the information, interpret it, react and tell the body what to do simply operate too slowly for that method to be functional.

These examples can all be explained in terms of information telepathically or psychically flowing out of living beings to others. Fascinating. Now we just need to learn how to transmit intention to a particular target.

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