Sunday, August 27, 2017

Quality is Better? Really?

I don’t think quality always beats quantity.  Which would be a more satisfying meal --- an ounce of beef tenderloin and two asparagus stalks in your favorite sauce, or 10 ounces of hamburger and a cup of peas?

I have heard parents talk about how the important thing is to spend “quality time” with their kids.  They never have explained to me what quality time is, but having raised 3 kids, this much I know: you can’t just make quality time happen….you can’t predict its time.  The way quality time occurs is to give it a chance to happen, and the more time you spend with your kids, the greater the opportunity for good and powerful memories to be formed.

Sometimes quality is a waste. There are times when good enough is better than best.  

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Staying In Shape

I find that it is really important to keep active, the older I get. The body loses its tone more quickly with age. When I was young I was able to stop exercising for a long time and then pick up almost from where I had stopped, but now if I slacken my pace, it takes considerable time to recover the lost ground.

This is a problem because I basically don’t like to exercise. I need a new exercise program that consists of movements that come naturally.  Maybe jumping to conclusions, pushing people’s buttons, pulling on their heartstrings, carrying things too far, flying off the handle, dodging responsibilities, and running off at the mouth.